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  • Reviews » Guitars
  • Musikmesse 2012: the guitars

    If you were wondering why it took me so long to write about the interesting guitars I checked out at the Musikmesse, here’s your answer: I tried a good amount of guitars but not many that really tickled my fancy.

    The absolute highlight (again) were the James Trussart guitars.  Love ’em or hate them and I’m squarely in the 1st camp, but these are fantastic guitars. They ain’t cheap but they are also not your bog-standard plank.

    Close second were some Ruokangas guitars. Their feel and tone was amazing, some are just a bit to blingbling for me but damn good stuff. And of course, the Huber Krautster II, I have been GASsing for one ever since trying one last year and I got to play 3 different one’s and they were amazing.

    I played a couple of nice Carvin guitars. The folks from Loopersparadise had Gilmour guitars at their booth. No relationship with David Gilmour but these are some nice guitars.

    Finally, the Egnater/Bogner-booth had some really nice Haar guitars to test out their amps and pedals. Erik Van De Haar has been building guitars for some years now and they keep getting better!
